If Only It Were Rocket Science!
The news reports this week that there is yet another variant of the COVID 19 virus, the South African variety. This one may be even worse than all the others and it appears the vaccines (the two on the market so far) may not be effective. Dr. Fauci stated that research is ongoing to develop a “booster” vaccine for the new variant. Needless to say, this is disconcerting news for all of us. So many people have died already and so many, many more have been terribly sick. The thought of a new, more virulent strain is overwhelming for many. At the same time, many others who have contracted COVID have had minimal symptoms or discomfort and have recovered with no problems. What does this tell us? That this situation is changing and shifting on an almost daily basis and while medicine is doing its best to stay abreast of this pandemic, it has become obvious.
Medical science is not rocket science.
Seriously. I wish it were rocket science. Rocket science is very exact. Very precise. You don’t shoot rockets to the moon without every contingency planned for and every calculation carefully checked and re-checked. Unfortunately, medical science is not dealing with lifeless equations and inert matter. Medicine deals with living human beings with life forces at work that are barely understood. In this pandemic we are dealing with a living virus that is world-wide. It, too, is a living being with its own life forces at work. Our doctors and researchers are to be applauded and respected for the work they do and for the results they achieve. At the same time, we understand why situations like the one on the news today occur. We understand that we are dealing with living organisms that are mutating and evolving so the drugs we develop today may not be effective tomorrow. My question is this:
Is it the smartest solution to continue to depend on the development of newer drugs? Is that where we want to place our hope? In a drug?
I’m sure most people will say yes but I'm not so sure. I do not see the logic in chasing one new drug after another. Unless, of course, you are the one getting paid to chase that new drug.
My suggestion is stay healthy. That’s my strategy for surviving COVID. Stay healthy. That means doing the things that help a body stay healthy on a regular, consistent basis. Here are some things you might consider.
See your chiropractor on a regular basis and get adjusted. Take good supplementation (see me about that). Eat wisely. Eat wisely. Eat wisely. Stretch. Get a massage. Get outdoors. Exercise a little. Practice good hygiene. Do energy work. Think good thoughts. Practice forgiveness. Pray. Stay connected to others and most importantly, stay connected to your spiritual Source. And eat wisely, in case you missed it. If you have to get out amongst people, practice safe practices. I do. It’s not a big deal. And eat wisely.
Those are things that I do and that’s where I put my hope of staying healthy. If I do contract the virus, I hope I’ll be healthy enough to survive. And if I catch the disease and die? Then I guess that will be my destiny and that will be the end of me. That would be sad but it's a chance I'm willing to take.
We all must do what we each feel impelled to do in order to stay healthy and safe. If you want to cover all your bets and do everything you can to stay as healthy as you can, then come see me. I can help.