For most of human history, people were not able to eat 3 meals a day with between meal snacks. Not to mention we didn’t spend our days sitting at desks working on computers! Humans learned to thrive and survive during periods when food was not readily available
Read More“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” -William Arthur Ward
Read MoreFor many of us, the holidays mean over-eating, over-drinking, not getting enough rest and worst of all…STRESS! But you can keep the holidays healthy! Below are some tips to help you have a fun, delicious, and HEALTHY holiday season.
Read MoreIn 2017, 54% of adults report experiencing back or neck pain for at least 5 years. 49% of adults say they are “prone” to back pain and over 55% say that when an episode occurs, they treat it themselves.
Read MoreWhat can you do to support a strong, healthy immune system this fall and winter? Here are 5 great products from Standard Process (SP) that have a proven track record of helping our patients stay healthy and avoiding cold and flu. Here they are. Please notice the Special Offer at the end!
Read MoreWith today's growing emphasis on quality care, clinical outcomes and cost effectiveness, spinal manipulation is receiving increased attention. The epidemic of prescription opioid overuse and abuse has also led to wider acknowledgment of the benefits of non=-rug approaches to pain.
Read MoreAll drugs have effects. Some are desired effects and some are undesired effects. The longer a patient takes a drug, the more likely the patient will experience undesired effects of the medication.
Read MoreSo you’re missing the crunchy foods you love while getting off the grains and processed foods? Here is a list of alternative foods that will satisfy your desire to crunch. Please remember, if you have tested sensitive to any food on this list, don’t eat it!
Read MorePlantar Fasciitis is an acute or semi-acute inflammation of the band of connective tissue (the plantar fascia) that stretches across the sole of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by stretching and/or partial rupture of the plantar fascia.
Read MoreManganese is a mineral found in several of the nutritional supplements we use in the office. As a chiropractor treating musculoskeletal problems, it is an essential supplement to help with strains, sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis and back pain.
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