Vertebral Subluxation and the Chiropractic Lifestyle
Chiropractors are the only doctors who specialize in the detection and treatment of vertebral subluxation. Subluxation can create lowered states of health by putting stress on the spinal nerves that leave the spinal cord. This nerve irritation interferes with the normal communication between the brain and the body. When communication is impaired, function is impaired and over time this can lead to symptoms of illness and disease.
All too often, when individuals begin to experience symptoms, they reach for something they can take OTC (over the counter). If that doesn't resolve the symptoms, or if they get worse, the individual may make a visit to the MD where, in all likelihood, they will be prescribed a medication, which may or may not be effective, with or without possible side effects.
The chiropractic lifestyle is simple. When you begin to experience a symptom in your body – any symptom – the first thing to do is get to the chiropractor and check the status of your spine and nervous system. Make sure the communication between the brain and body is open and fully functional. You will be amazed at how many symptoms resolve themselves when the body is given the chance. The body knows how to heal itself when given the time and the opportunity.
If you keep having symptoms after getting your spine adjusted, the next thing to do is look at your diet. Many times a new condition or symptom may be connected to a food. Sometimes it is a good idea to keep a daily record of food intake (food log) to uncover any possible food issues.
May times supplementation is needed. I personally feel that everyone can benefit from some form of supplementation. It is very challenging today to get all our nutritional needs met eating the Standard American Diet. If you have questions about supplementation, call my office and schedule an appointment for us to talk.
Discover how great you can feel when you live a lifestyle committed to staying off drugs and medications! It is true freedom. To learn more, come visit our office. We can help.