Happy Groundhog Day

Did you know that Groundhog Day corresponds to the ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc? Christians have celebrated it as the Feast of St. Brigid and it commemorates the winter/spring cross-quarter. We have officially made it to the half-way point between winter and spring and we can all take comfort in the fact that the days are getting longer and the temps are getting warmer...or at least will be soon. This is a good time to stop and evaluate how your year is going so far. We started the year with strong resolves and intentions to eat better, to exercise more, to rest more, to take better care of ourselves. How is it going?

The road to improved health is not always straight and smooth. Many times we hit bumps along the way and the road gets rocky. It is during those times that we have to re-evaluate and re-set. Ask yourself, "What is NOT working?" Have you set unrealistic expectations and goals? I have seen this happen again and again. Someone will try to do too much too fast and burn out. Ask yourself, "What am I committed to doing now?" It may not be much and that is perfectly OK. You may not make it to the gym 4 times a week but can you start with once a week?

Keeping healthy means making adjustments and changes as needed. Don't focus on what you DIDN'T do but instead focus on what you CAN and WILL do starting right now. What are you now willing to do to help yourself? Approach these questions gently and with compassion. Now is not the time to berate yourself for any perceived shortcomings. Choose the next right thing and do it.

Remember, "It is always too late to make a new beginning but it is never too late to make a new ending."

Have a healthy week!

Dr. Wyly